So I had a different post today and when I looked at it this morning, I couldn’t figure out why I would have scheduled it when I had such an amazing weekend with Floyd & Co that I know all of you are dying to know about. And even if you aren’t I feel guilty withholding photos of from such a fun weekend. But if you aren’t..I mean…
I mean, seriously…THOSE EYES!
I will forewarn all of you that I don’t have a single photo of Sarah and I–only one pretty faced Basset and all his fabulous antics. Just another reason I’m the craziest of dog ladies. If you want proof I actually did spend time with humans this weekend, Sarah took some really good photos of all our activities here.
As I was saying…
I’m just going to come right out with it and say what every blogger has said before–the blogging community has an amazing way of bringing together people that would be perfect real life friends through their digital presence. It’s kind of like a Twitter hashtag…reaching that audience you might never have reached before..Ohhhh here I go.
That is neither here nor there…what I’m saying is that I’m so grateful for meeting new friends like Sarah and Blake (Katie, Autumn, & Bethanny, too!), because I know that even though I have to leave soon, there will be many, many more trips to visit each other. Smooches all around!
I arrived Friday evening and as if hosting me in their own home and giving me free reign to love on their pet wasn’t enough–Blake & Sarah gifted me with this super adorable notepad for Dane and my’s engagement. So in love–I mean seriously, be cuter. You can’t. And because it was National Margarita Day, we went out to enjoy some Mexican food and margs.
Saturday and Sunday brought shopping and more eating. I mean, for real, speak right to my dog, food, and shopping loving heart why don’t ya?
And it was at some point during all of this that I was informed that women sometimes eat the placenta after they give birth. EXCUSE ME WHAT? And so there you have it. Parmesan Placenta. Because if you’re going to eat it (excuse me while I vomit)…you should probably add cheese. Cheese makes everything better. But really, has anyone else ever heard of this? Have I been duped?
Happy Monday!
Now excuse me, while I go snuggle Floyd.