A couple milestones happened this week that I would be remiss in not mentioning them on this here blog. Mother Nature or God or someone was keenly aware that as soon as this week started on Sunday, we would be taking on 25 by storm…and being an “official” adult is no joke.
I say it like this, because in my head, I wasn’t a real-time adult until I was able to legally rent a car–a fact I was perfectly content with. But here we are, 5 days in and not a rental car in sight.
Completely unrelated, but every post needs a photo and I love my friend’s dog Gracie. |
You want to know what is in sight? A Roth IRA account. That’s right, a retirement fund. Thank you, 25, for making me realize the morbid fact that in 35 short years, I will be eligible for such a thing. Fan-tas-tic. By my calculations with my rate of investment, I’ll be able to
retire and live in the lap of luxury at the ripe age of 377, so that’s pretty exciting!
I’d also like to make it perfectly clear that I never recall Carrie Bradshaw setting up on of these, so I like to think I’m two steps ahead of a fictional television character with the same vocation.
And just as I was done getting that special investment account set up, Dane and I went and bought ourselves a Dyson. You read correctly–a vacuum cleaner. And would you like to know where we purchased said cleaner? QVC. Let that one soak in.
Sadly, I think I am more excited about this vacuum cleaner than I have been about anything else in a really long time, which speaks volumes about my mental state.
Ahh yes, getting older. I can’t wait to see what the next 5 days bring–a Cadillac? a cane? We’re just getting started, 25!