Honestly, I had a completely different post planned for today. One that included an easy cake recipe (don’t worry, that’s coming later this weekend), but for now–it’s an ode to a very special man that passed away overnight.
You see, this really beautiful thing happens when you merge two families after divorce–you get a whole lotta family. More to love, right? Except sometimes it gets messy and there are ugly parts, but that never happened when my mom remarried. I got some of the coolest people ever to love, which makes me pretty lucky. One of those people was Grandpa Mac. I was never his “step-grandchild” or his “sort of family”, I was just another family member…one of his own.
I get this sort of anxious feeling in my gut whenever something happens in my family and I’m over here in Hawaii–5,500 miles away and useless. Today, I’m trying my best to push that anxious feeling away and focus on the good stuff–the happy memories.
Cheers to you, Mac, and a life well lived.