Happy Monday, everyone! Dane and I had a really low key weekend (sometimes those are the best) and we watched a lot of football, got some beach time, went on several long walks with the dogs, cleaned the house and just generally enjoyed each other’s company. He had his first day of school and we wrapped up the weekend with enormous Sunday salads and an episode of Chef’s Table! If you’re not watching that show yet – get on it! SO GOOD. Anyway, I’m so excited to be taking a little virtual vacation as I kick off week 2 of my September Blogging Challenge! If you missed my blogging challenge announcement post, I’ve been feeling a little bit uninspired by blogging and social media and I wanted to bring it back to where it all began…little old me behind my keyboard tapping away. And so – that’s what is happening! I know there are “blog every day” challenges, but honestly – I don’t blog every day as it is, so committing to 30 days was intimidating for me. Instead, I put together 20 prompts that really inspired me and whipped up a list for when you can expect them here. Today’s prompt is places I would love to visit one day and I have been eagerly anticipating this prompt, because my list of places I want to go is about as long as a CVS receipt. See also: VERY, VERY LONG. If dreaming about travel is something you’re interested in…stick around!
Places I Would Like To Visit One Day
Greece – Greece has been on my list to visit since I met my best friend in college (very Greek) and she showed me photos from a family vacation. All white buildings, history, beautiful views – sign me up! Dane and I have tentative plans to go next year and I am BURSTING!
Yellowstone National Park – I know this one might seem a bit strange, because I haven’t always been an adventurous type of person, but have you seen the beautiful photos of Yellowstone lately? They take my breath away! My in-laws were raving about their trip and it is definitely a fixture on my traveling bucket list!
Maldives – After our trip to Tahiti, we added the Maldives to our list after meeting a couple who told us it was some of the best diving they had ever done. SOLD! Plus, I’m kind of a sucker for the overwater bungalow experience. Some of those resorts look INSANE!
Patagonia – A friend of mine hiked through Patagonia and it’s been on our radar ever since. An adventure that seems like equal parts nature and equal parts wine country sounds good to me! Plus, the photos that come out of Torres del Paine are nothing short of incredible. It seems like a postcard!
Banff + Lake Louise – I met two friends who were from Alberta this summer and my interest in visiting Banff + Lake Louise was solidified. I’m pretty sure I would prefer a summer visit, but a wintery white one could be fun, too!
Machu Picchu – An Inca citadel in Peru, Machu Picchu is a UNESCO World Heritage site and probably one of the most daunting adventures on my “Places I Would Like To Visit One Day”, but still pretty high up there!
Palm Springs, CA – Does anyone else swoon over the colors and whimsy of Palm Springs like I do? I imagine it’s like stepping into a Gray Malin photograph ::sigh:: ONE DAY!
Cruise through the Panama Canal – I was, admittedly, pretty hesitant about our cruise to Alaska — what would it be like? It was the FREAKING BEST and Dane and I are now convinced that a cruise through the Panama Canal would be a really good family trip one day.
Marfa, TX – I know it seems kind of cliché, but I’d love to cruise through Marfa and snap some photos at the iconic Prada building and enjoy the town a bit!
Egypt – This one is probably really obvious since Dane grew up there, but we are itching to take a trip. One day!
Las Vegas – This is probably going to shock some people, but I’ve never been to Las Vegas! Shamelessly, I want to see the Celine Dion show and probably still go to bed at 8PM 😉
And just for fun – a few places that we have traveled to, fallen in love with and would joyously travel back to again and again:
Italy (anywhere within the country, but particularly Tuscany)
Key West, FL
Juneau, Alaska
Chiangmai, Thailand (I shared all about our trip to Thailand on the blog!)
Whew – now I’m ready for a vacation! If you shared places you would love to visit, feel free to link up below or share with me in the comments! Check back tomorrow as I dish on my highs and lows of the past year. It’s a good one! Also, shoutout to Unsplash for the amazing selection of stock photography used in this post. If you’re in need of good stock photography, I cannot say enough good things 🙂