Let’s start at Friday, because I always love talking about days that make me happy…and of course Friday made me happy, because HELLO! END OF THE WORST WEEK EVER!
And now we’re back to Monday, which I can totally deal with because Wednesday marks just one month until our wedding. I have a new attitude on this, more on that later this week…
Friday, Dane and I enjoyed our first date night in a really long time. We went to two of our favorite places–Opal Thai and the bar at the Marriott. Fried Tofu squares with basil, pad thai and a POG mojito?! I want to live that life every day.
Saturday I woke up with the headache from hell. It was like Judy herself was clawing the insides of my brain and ripping it out my ears. Flashback to a couple weeks ago when I was telling my neighbor about my migraines. She asked me if I had ever tried oils instead of medicine. Believe me, I thought this sounded just as crazy as you do right now. I took the peppermint oil and frankincense she gave me to try and put it in a drawer when I got home. Well, Saturday when I was in the seventh circle of hell, I remembered this oil. I slathered that oil on the top of my mouth. And let me tell you something–it tasted like shit, BUT MY HEADACHE WENT AWAY. I was half annoyed, because I had basically laughed at the idea weeks earlier. Lesson learned. Score 1 for essential oils.
We also gave our house a nice little deep cleaning, which it totally needed. Some people clean when they’re stressed out–I am not one of them, so our house looked a little post-tornado-esque. Saturday night we went to a wedding right on the beach in Haleiwa. It made Dane and I question our traditional church vows a little bit–it was absolutely beautiful! And then it began to rain and the bride jumped in the water….I was immediately reminded of my need to be indoors.
Sunday was full of #JudyHanson time. We felt awful, because she had been a bit neglected this week, so after Skyping with Sarah about her potential Hawaii visit (squeal!), we were off on a dog beach adventure. I’m confident this is Judy’s most favorite place in the world.
How was your weekend? And have you ever tried oils instead of traditional medicine? If yes, I NEED to hear about it!