TGIF + happy (almost) weekend! I’m so excited to see Friday since my mom is arriving tomorrow – eek! I am so thrilled to have her here in the islands for Mother’s Day — such a treat when the folks you love live so far. In any case, I wanted to pop in really quick to share my 5 Things I Love Friday post, which is a series I started a few months back. Now that I’ve gotten in the swing of it, I really kind of like it! What are your thoughts? Let me know in a comment what you’re thinking! In any case, let’s hop right into what I’ve loving this week…
5 Things I Love Friday
Legacy Magazine – Last week was a huge week for me in terms of my full time job — two magazine spreads arrived in the mail. I was totally over the moon about my Jetstar spread, and then my Legacy Magazine spread came in the mail. My heart soared, because this particular (4 page!) spread was all about our trip to Kenya. Not only is it near and dear to my heart, it turned out so beautifully. You can order your copy here.
Sunshine – It is finally getting into full time sunshine weather here on Oahu and it makes my heart SING! I love being able to go outside and enjoy the day without worrying about the weather turning south. Welcome back, sweet summertime sunshine!
Nutzo Butter – Are you eating Nutzo Butter? If not, you need to be. I first discovered it at the regular grocery store, but then I realized Costco sold it and friends — there is no going back from this delicious nut butter combination. You need it in your life!
Coconut Chunks – This ranks right up there with the Nutzo Butter as “Items You Need For A Summer Snack”. I eat it year round – sometimes even together with the Nutzo or made into Coconut Bacon, and it’s divine. Honestly, it’s good all on its own, too. This tub looks big, but the reality is it only lasts a couple weeks at our house!
Brew Dr. Kombucha – Are you drinking kombucha? We love it, but I understand it’s not always a popular drink. I found some Brew Dr at our Costco, but since have been getting it at Target and Whole Foods (cans AND bottles options) since of course Costco stopped having it as soon as I discovered I liked it. Isn’t that always the way?!
That’s all I’ve got for this week, but I’d love to know what you’ve been up to. Have you tried Nutzo? How about coconut chunks? And most importantly — who is ready for summer temps?! Happy weekend, everyone!