If you’re new around here, let me give you a little spoiler alert: I love braids. I’m probably 6 years late to the trend (much like many other things in my life), but my beach bum lifestyle makes braids acceptable almost all the time.
Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, let me clue you in on something else…the scrunchy trend is lost on me. I like two types of hair ties — the no-pull EmiJays or the tiny plastic ones that resemble dental bands. Nothing in between.
If I’m being honest with all of you — my side of the bathroom is a disaster zone. I have shit everywhere and when it’s time to do my hair you’re probably better off just getting the heck out of there. Marriage and bathroom sharing is a whole ‘nother post. Anyway, I’m getting off topic.
The other day as Dane and I were sweating our asses off in Thailand leisurely browsing a temple, I decided I could simply not take the heat of a braid on my neck one more second. The mop had to go up. I pulled off the tiny plastic hair tie and asked Dane to hold it — at which point he had a minor meltdown.
EW! I’m not holding your dental band!
Umm what the hell are you talking about?
Kait I have found these things all over the house and it’s gross! Every time I see one I throw it out.
Dane these are hair ties. More specifically, hair ties meant to be invisible against hairstyles. And more importantly — when have I ever had braces?! But also — WHY THE HECK DO YOU THROW THEM OUT?!
I learned two things:
1. When it’s 100+ degrees outside, don’t attempt a cute hairstyle.
2. When Dane sees something of mine out of place it gets thrown out.
On that note, I have a fabulous giveaway for all of you today hosted by my even more fabulous friend, Jen. She recently rebranded her site & I’m loving the new name — in{JEN}ious life. A good play on words speaks to my soul.
Happy weekend, everyone!